Coastal kayaking is an activity in full harmony with nature that everybody can try. All our excursions and expeditions include a basic introduction to the kayaking techniques and the security gear each participant needs to feel comfortable and ready to paddle. Our guides are fully trained and they are also eager to share their knowledge and passion for Patagonia. Security is a priority for us; that is why the expeditions and excursions are always subjected to weather conditions. On this tour you paddle in a natural setting of beautiful forests and magnificent views of the hills Lopez, Chapel Hill and the famous Hotel Llao Llao. You will be in the presence of calm and natural beauty of the Nahuel Huapi National Park but only 30 'from the center of Bariloche. You will paddle through crystal clear waters at the foot of Cerro D'Agostini to reach sites little tourist influx.
This is a trekking with wonderful panoramic views of the Lake Moreno and the mountain range around Bariloche. Transfer in the morning to the beginning of the trail in Colonia Suiza. This is a trekking that ascends continuously through a beech tree forest up to a lookout of the landscape. Time to have lunch and enjoy the views and return to the hotel.
Fly through nature with this thrilling zip-line excursion through the forests and treetops of Cerro Lopez!
* Fly through the forest with a thrilling 1,500 meter zip line!
* Admire the beautiful, panoramic views along with a crazy adrenaline rush!
* Family for fun for all!
* Top of the range equipment and expert guides!
Come and try this adventurous day, perfect for all the family to get closer to nature and enjoy an adrenaline fueled experience! Admire the breathtaking views around you from this incredible altitude and take on the challenge of this 4 hour tour, with 10 platforms and over 1,500 meters long, this really is an exciting and thrilling experience.
To enjoy this flying through the forest experience, we start the day with a transfer from your hotel to the base of Cerro Lopez. Here, the brave and mighty participants receive all the top of the range equipment and get briefed by expert instructors. And you’re ready to go!
Vehicles will start the ascent to the highest platform and from here starts yours unforgettable journey! Fly down and enjoy the hair-raising views, sights and nature around you! Admire the beautiful mountains, the trees, the flora and fauna whilst zooming past on one of the best zip lines around! Feel the liberation as gravity does its job and make incredible memories from a completely different perspective.
Join us for a day of peaceful serenity in a calming and beautiful, natural environment.
*Beautifully relaxing boat ride!
* Sail away through nature and discover new flora and fauna!
* Sit back and enjoy the wonderful ride as our tour guide entertains you with fascinating facts!
Start this enchanting journey with nature from Puerto Pañuelo, enjoy the charming sailing experience surrounded by a picturesque landscape of snowy mountains and lush, wild forests. Admire the refreshing, clear waters of the alluring Lake Nahuel Huapi as we gently make our way to Victoria Island.
At Victoria Island, you will be able to relax and explore the reserve of native animals, such as their exotic red deer and golden pheasants, and feel at one with nature. Take note of the homely, warm lodge that gives life and character to the little island.
Afterwards, the tour continues up to Quetrihue peninsula, with its famous myrtle forest, unique and extraordinary due to its size and density. This surreal experience, is like entering a different world! It truly feels magical, covered in petite white flowers or sometimes covered in a light layer of snow, be sure to have a camera at hand to capture this glorious moment.
As dusk begins to fall across the mountains, we calmly sail back to the port for you to enjoy your new found peace.
No te pierdas una de las excursiones tradicionales de Bariloche que te llevará a descubrir los principales atractivos naturales de la zona.
* Un paseo único por los paisajes de Bariloche, su vegetación y lagos
* Una de las excursiones más espectaculares
* Variada oferta artesanal durante el circuito
El viaje comienza en el corazón de Bariloche, en concreto en la Avenida Bustillo. Bordea el lago Nahuel Huapi y admira un paisaje de singular belleza durante todo el recorrido. A la altura del kilómetro 8 se encuentra playa Bonita, desde donde podrás divisar la hermosa Isla Huemul. Sólo unos Kilómetros más adelante, llegarás al pie del cerro Campanario. Disfruta de este maravilloso paisaje con un viaje opcional en telesilla a la cumbre (1050 metros). Desde allí, gozarás de impresionantes vistas de la región. Contempla los lagos Nahuel Huapi y Perito Moreno, la laguna El Trébol, la península San Pedro y Llao-Llao, Isla Victoria, los cerros López, Goye, Otto, Catedral y la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche.
Tras pasar por la Península de San Pedro, alcanzarás Llao Llao. Allí se encuentra la capilla San Eduardo, una maravilla arquitectónica regional, y sobre el lago Nahuel Huapi, el importante Puerto Pañuelo. A continuación cruzarás el puente Angostura, situado sobre el río del mismo nombre, que une los lagos Moreno y Nahuel Huapi. Antes de emprender el camino de regreso a la ciudad harás una parada en un punto panorámico desde donde se vislumbra la península de Llao Llao y los lagos que la rodean.
El recorrido se inicia por la Av. Bustillo, luego de pasar Playa Bonita se dobla a la izquierda tomando el camino que nos llevará al Cerro. Se pasa por Virgen de las Nieves llegando así a Villa Catedral ubicada al pie del Cerro homónimo.
El Cerro Catedral es el Centro de Esquí más importante de Sudamérica. Durante la temporada invernal, ofrece una amplia y variada infraestructura de servicios para practicar ski y snowboard y disfrutar de la nieve y de sus fantásticos paisajes. Diversos medios de elevación permiten acceder a él en distintas épocas del año. Hotelería, gastronomía y una variedad de comercios satisfacen los gustos y necesidades de la gran cantidad de esquiadores y turistas provenientes de diversos países del mundo.
El resto del año se puede disfrutar de sus fabulosas vistas panorámicas y realizar diferentes actividades para vivir de la montaña.
La excursión comienza en Puerto Pañuelo. Desde allí se navega durante 30 minutos y se llega a Puerto Anchorena, situado en la zona central y más angosta de la Isla y centro de servicios de la misma. Allí existen diferentes opciones de caminatas guiadas o libres por senderos demarcados, entre las que se destacan: Sendero Ex Vivero Nacional, Sendero de Interpretación ""Antonio Pargade"", Pto. Gross y antiguo poblado, pinturas rupestres y Playa del Toro, entre otros. Cada uno de estos lugares son sus atractivos especiales llenos de historia.
Se dispone de tiempo para almorzar en la Isla. La excursión continúa realizando la navegación hasta la Península de Quetrihué, en donde está situado el Parque Nacional Los Arrayanes, donde se pueden observar magníficos ejemplares de esta especie, que forman un bosque con características únicas: troncos anchos, de llamativa corteza color canela con manchas blancas y alturas que superan los 15 metros, haciendo de este lugar una maravilla única en el mundo.
Adventurous visit to the wild side of nature! Sail through the crystal clear waters and explore hidden gems in the natural world such as the Valdivian rainforest, Puerto Blest and Lake Frías.
* Sail, walk, ride and explore!
* See all the magnificent views this nature park has to offer!
* Make sure you bring your camera to capture these incomparable sights!
Sail away and leave your worries ashore as the boat gently rides over the rolling waves. Sailing West down the long narrow Blest Arm, surrounded by lush, green vegetation and wildlife, dominated by Mount Capilla and Mount Millagueo, two monstrous creations of nature adding to the natural environment around you. Pass-by the resting place of the great explorer and expert, Perito Francisco P. Moreno, buried on Centinela Island.
After an hour of tranquil floating through the waters, the boat arrives at Cántaros port, in the middle of the Valdivian rainforest. Be enchanted as you explore the magical, leafy green forest and follow the nature trail up to Lake Los Cántaros. Admire the natural paradise in front of you as the lake crashes down into a furiously wonderful waterfall and observe the fresh water streaming down the rocks. Once back on the boat, the journey leads us to Puerto Blest where we will once again disembark.
For those that have selected the optional trip to Lake Frías, you’re journey continues by bus to the stunning Puerto Alegre then hop aboard the boat again to sail through the crystal clear waters and rainforest surroundings and excellent views of the white peak of Mount Tronador until we arrive at Puerto Frías, extremely close to the Chile border. Take some time for yourself here, go ashore and lose yourself to the natural world around you and ponder the best that Mother Nature has to offer!
Saliendo hacia el Sur por la ruta 40 sur en el Km 129, se encuentra la localidad de El Bolsón. Se transita por ruta totalmente asfaltada, se bordea los lagos Gutiérrez, Mascardi y Guillelmo, se cruzan los ríos Villegas, Foyel y luego el Quemquentreu. Se visita un criadero de truchas, fábrica de cerveza, fábrica de dulces y al llegar al Bolsón es imperdible una visita a la feria artesanal que reúne una cantidad enorme de productores locales. A 16 kms se encuentra el lago Puelo y a 11 kms la pequeña localidad de El Hoyo (capital de la Fruta Fina).
La ruta de los Siete Lagos es sin duda un paseo imprescindible para los amantes de la naturaleza. Paisajes paradisíacos, lagos, extensos bosques, cerros nevados, etc. Todo esto y mucho más te esperan en uno de los circuitos más famosos de la Patagonia argentina.
* Explora la belleza natural de la Patagonia argentina
* Contempla los lagos Espejo, Correntoso, Escondido, Villarino, Falkner y Machónico
* Espectaculares vistas y miradores naturales panorámicos
Después de recogerte en el hotel, nos dirigiremos hacia la Ruta 231 por un camino sinuoso y arbolado que discurre entre bosques centenarios de lengas, cipreses y coihues. Siguiendo la costa norte del lago Nahuel Huapi llegaremos a la pintoresca Villa la Angostura.
Unos kilómetros más adelante, tomaremos el Camino de los Siete Lagos, una de las rutas más bellas de la Patagonia argentina por sus espectaculares paisajes y miradores naturales. A lo largo del recorrido podrás contemplar los lagos Espejo, Correntoso, Escondido, Villarino, Falkner y Machónico antes de adentrarte en San Martín de los Andes bordeando el lago Lácar, donde dispondrás de tiempo libre para el almuerzo y para explorar la ciudad.
Después de reponer fuerzas continuaremos el viaje por la ruta pavimentada que pasa por Junín de Los Andes, La Rinconada, Collón Curá y enlaza con la legendaria Ruta Nacional 40. Admira un hermoso paisaje rural y los espectaculares ríos cordilleranos que confluyen en el río Limay. Al alcanzar Confluencia Traful apreciarás cómo a este mágico paisaje se suman las figuras rocosas del Valle Encantado y la singular formación de El Anfiteatro. Siguiendo el curso del río hasta su naciente, en el Lago Nahuel Huapi, iniciarás tu camino de regreso a Bariloche.
Join us on this enchanting tour of the spectacular Nahuel Huapi National Park. Explore all the wonders that this park has to offer, including the Tronador, the highest mountain in the region and the black glacier!
* Spend a well-deserved day with nature!
* Relax and admire the stunning views!
* Let the passionate nature-loving guide lead the way!
Where to start in this park that brims with life, nature, flora and fauna? From forests to lakes to beaches to mountains – there are even some waterfalls! What is going to tickle your fancy first? Be spoilt for choice in this breathtaking, serene slice of paradise. The park itself, located at the foothills of the Patagonian Andes, is the largest in the region, covering nearly 200 million acres!
Firsthand witness the hair-raising Tronador, rising over 11,000 ft above sea level and creating a wonderful, natural boundary between Argentina and Chile. The views from this altitude are incomparable and we definitely recommend you have a camera to hand to capture this moment.
After, we head south to the 258 National Highway, crossing through Pampa de Huenuleu and arriving at the alluring lake Gutiérrez for time to admire the beauty of nature and contemplate the relaxing atmosphere and bask in its glory. The continuing our travels, we make our way to the black glacier or also known as the Ventisquero Negro, travelling through the picturesque valleys and forests along the way. The glacier, true to its name, appears to be a stricking black colour and is really quite a sight.
Before heading home, we will observe the views of the neighboring country Chile from the top of the mountain. What a day!
Naturaleza en estado puro, diversidad de paisajes, espectaculares lagos y mucho más. Descubre la esencia natural de la Patagonia con una excursión a Villa La Angostura, una localidad que se ha ganado el apodo de Jardín de la Patagonia.
* Explora una región conocida mundialmente por su impresionante naturaleza
* Disfruta de un recorrido de grandes contrastes naturales
* Conoce todo lo que ofrece Villa La Angostura
Disfruta de la belleza natural de Bariloche con un tour panorámico por Villa La Angostura, un prístino pueblo de montaña. Atraviesa pintorescos campos, verdes bosques y lagos azules, y descubre por qué la región de alrededor de Bariloche es famosa mundialmente por su impresionante naturaleza. Durante este tour de día completo conocerás uno de los pueblos de montaña más hermosos de la región de los lagos patagónicos.
El estrecho sendero que conduce más allá de Bariloche rodeando el lago Nahuel Huapi ofrece paisajes sin igual mires hacia donde mires en la Región de los Lagos. Prepara tu cámara para captar la yuxtaposición de los tonos azules de los lagos con las verdes colinas. Mientras avanzas por el camino, el agua y las colinas ceden el protagonismo a la zona de estepas, donde se ubican las grandes granjas patagónicas. El paisaje sigue transformándose a medida que asciendes hasta llegar a los bosques de cipreses de Huemul, que poco a poco van dando paso a la exuberante selva tropical.
Al llegar a la bella ciudad de Villa La Angostura tendrás la oportunidad de relacionarte con lugareños y ver todo lo que ofrece un pequeño y tranquilo pueblo de la Patagonia. Visita el puerto, el Messidor, el lago de la Selva Triste y la capilla de la Asunción. Después de un completo recorrido iniciarás tu viaje de regreso a Bariloche pasando por el centro de esquí Cerro Bayo.
We will start our travel to Puerto Pañuelo bordering the Nahuel Huapi Lake. On the way, you can marvel of the beautiful swiss style architecture that characterizes the constructions of the area, with beautiful gardens and flowers that dresses the place up where we embark on the catamaran ‘Victoria Andina’ or ‘Victoria Del Lago’ to navigate the Nahuel Huapi Lake to Puerto Blest.
On the way to, you will be able to observe the magnificence of the Andean landscape, the green of the rainforests that surround us, birds that become one of us and learn more about the fascinating history of this place.
At destiny, you will find modern busses waiting for us to travel for 1.8 miles along the Frías River up to Puerto Alegre. Then we will continue on the ‘Ciudad de la Fé’ ship, to navigate de Felix Frías Lake with its quiet and unspoilt waters of deep turquoise color heading to Puerto Frías. On this tour, we will have beautiful views of the Tronador Mountain 11,453 ft of height. After a short navigation, you will arrive to Puerto Frías, a small location inserted in the middle of exuberant vegetation. Then, we continue to Peulla. We will appreciate the lush vegetation of the Cordillera de Los Andes, as we watched the Cerro Tronador with its nine glaciers on its peak.
We will enter the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park where Peulla is located, from here we will go to Hotel Peulla and Hotel Natura Patagonia to have a lunch.
Later, we will set sail for Petrohué, navigating the Todos los Santos Lake. If the weather permits new views of Osorno and Puntiagudo Volcano and Tronador mount will surprise you.
We will visit the Petrohué waterfalls, whimsical shapes of volcanic rock, bathed by green waterfalls make the perfect picture. Next, bordering the Llanquihue Lake, breathtaking views of the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes dominate the landscape.
We will travel from the shore of Guttierrez Lake and Mascardi Lake and at the end of this appears a gravel road on the right hand, signposted. To get to Tronador Hill the bridge over the Manso River is crossed and you will continue until Pampa Linda, a good place for lunch. Near the end of the road, through a forest of coihues and lengas, we see the Manso Glacier, better known as Black Glacier. A little further on the path the cirtcuit ends at the foot of the hill.
The three peaks that characterize the Tronador Hill are: Argentina at 3410m, International at 3554m and Chilean at 3474m. If we want to go to Alerces Cascade, we will follow the main road without crossing the bridge over the Manso River. We will surround Los Moscos Lake and Manso River to reach Hess Lake.
Across the Rock River the road ends and you have to walk 300m to reach a vantage point over the imposing waterfall
The tour covers the most classic of San Carlos de Bariloche circuit active and fun way. During the tour the guide explains the history of how this mountain village became one of the most important tourist cities of Patagonia, while the most famous scenic spots in the area as Campanario Hill and the Llao-Llao Hotel are visited.
Incredible views of Moreno and Nahuel Huapi Lakes and Lopez and Chapel Hills are appreciated. A hike of natural interpretation is also performed by the amazing native forest of Llao-Llao Municipal Park. You will visit a Craft Beer factory where lunch with beer tasting is included.